Дата выпуска | Название | Автор(ы) |
2020 | Adhesion Strength of TiZrN/TiSiN Nanocomposite Coatings on a Steel Substrate with Transition Layer | Beresnev, V. M.; Lytovchenko, S. V.; Mazilin, B. O.; Horokh, D. V.; Kolesnikov, D. A. |
2015 | Composition, Structure and Tribotechnical Properties of TiN, MoN Single-Layer and TiN/MoN Multilayer Coatings | Abadias, G.; Bondar, O. V.; Postolnyi, B. A.; Beresnev, V. M.; Kolesnikov, D. A. |
2020 | Effect of surface pre-treatment on adhesive strength of multi-component vacuum-arc coatings | Lytovchenko, S. V.; Beresnev, V. M.; Klymenko, S. A.; Kovaleva, M. G.; Novikov, V. U. |
2016 | Effect of the Deposition Parameters on the Phase-Structure State, Hardness, and Tribological Characteristics of Mo2 N/CrN Vacuum - Arc Multilayer Coatings | Beresnev, V. M.; Klimenko, S. A.; Sobol, O. V.; Grankin, S. S.; Novikov, V. Y. |
2018 | Electrical conductivity and dielectric relaxation processes of the ceramic system Y2O3-ZrO2-SrTiO3-BiScO3 | Sudzhanskaya, I. V.; Beresnev, V. M.; Iliushyn, L. O. |
2018 | Formation of superhard state of the TiZrHfNbTaYN vacuum-arc high entropy coating | Beresnev, V. M.; Sobol, O. V.; Andreev, A. A.; Gorban, V. F.; Novikov, V. Yu. |
2018 | Improving the wear resistance of thermally sprayed nanocomposite Cr3C2-25NiCr coatings by pulsed plasma treatment | Kovaleva, M. G.; Sirota, V. V.; Beresnev, V. M.; Tyurin, Y. N.; Vagina, O. N. |
2016 | Influence of high-voltage constant potential bias on structure and properties of MoN/CrN multilayer composite with different layer thickness = Влияние высоковольтного постоянного потенциала смещения на структуру и свойства многослойного композиционного материала MoN/CrN с разной толщиной слоев | Grankin, S. S.; Beresnev, V. M.; Sobol, O. V.; Lytovchenko, S. V.; Kolesnikov, D. A. |
2019 | Layered structure of CoCrAlY/ZrSiO₄/Al₂O₃ coatings before and after thermal treatment | Kovaleva, M. G.; Sirota, V. V.; Beresnev, V. M.; Tyurin, Yu. N.; Vagina, O. N.; Pavlenko, I. A. |
2019 | Nanostructured coatings based on amorphous carbon and gold nanoparticles obtained by the pulsed vacuum-arc method | Kolpakov, A. Ya.; Kovaleva, M. G.; Beresnev, V. M.; Manokhin, S. S.; Poplavsky, A. I. |
2017 | Single layer and multilayer vacuum-arc coatings based on the nitride tialsiyn: composition, structure, properties | Beresnev, V. M.; Sobol, O. V.; Pogrebnyak, A. D.; Lytovchenko, S. V.; Ivanov, O. N. |
2019 | Structure and mechanical properties of multilayer coatings (TiAlCrY)N/ZrN | Novikov, V. Yu.; Beresnev, V. M.; Kolesnikov, D. A.; Ivanov, O. N.; Lytovchenko, S. V. |
2018 | Structure and mechanical properties of TiAlSiY vacuum-arc coatings deposited in nitrogen atmosphere | Beresnev, V. M.; Sobol, O. V.; Pogrebnjak, A. D.; Lytovchenko, S. V.; Novikov, V. Yu. |
2018 | Structure and mechanical properties of TiAlSiY vacuum-arc coatings deposited in nitrogen atmosphere | Beresnev, V. M.; Sobol, O. V.; Pogrebnjak, A. D.; Lytovchenko, S. V.; Novikov, V. Yu. |
2019 | Structure and physicomechanical properties of superhard multicomponent multilayer (TiAlСrY/Zr)/(TiAlСrYN/ZrN) coatings with double modulation period of the structure | Novikov, V. Yu.; Beresnev, V. M.; Kolesnikov, D. A.; Ivanov, O. N.; Lytovchenko, S. V. |
2011 | Structure and properties multilayered micro- and nanocomposite coatings of Ti-N-Al/Ti-N/Al₂O₃ | Pogrebnjak, A. D.; Beresnev, V. M.; Kolesnikov, D. A. |
2017 | Structure and properties of vacuum arc single-layer and multiperiod two-layer nitride coatings based on Ti(Al): Si layers | Beresnev, V. M.; Sobol, O. V.; Pogrebnjak, A. D.; Lytovchenko, S. V.; Novikov, V. Yu. |
2018 | Structure and stresses in a system of two mechanical twins in titanium | Nikulin, I. S.; Beresnev, V. M.; Horokh, D. V.; Glebovsky, V. G.; Nikulicheva, T. B. |
2016 | The influence of nitrogen pressure on the structure of condensates, obtained at vacuum-arc deposition from high entropy alloy AlCrTiZrNbY = Влияние давления азота на структуру конденсатов, полученных из высокоэнтропийного сплава AlCrTiZrNbY при вакуумно-дуговом осаждении | Beresnev, V. M.; Sobol, O. V.; Nyemchenko, U. S.; Lytovchenko, S. V.; Kolesnikov, D. A. |
2018 | The use of plasma-based deposition with ion implantation technology to produce superhard molybdenum-based coatings in a mixed (C₂H₂+N₂) atmosphere | Sobol, O. V.; Mygushchenko, R. P.; Beresnev, V. M.; Kolesnikov, D. A.; Kovaleva, M. G. |