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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Adenomatous lesions of the major duodenal papilla in conjunction with pancreatic heterotopiaTverskoi, A. V.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Morozov, V. N.; Petrichko, S. A.; Mukhina, T. S.
2009Altered hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity in patients with chronic heart failureSivukhina, E. V.; Poskrebysheva, A. S.; Smurova, Iu. V.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Morozov, Iu. E.
2020Comparative analysis of tissue reactions during implantation of endoprostheses made of polytetrafluoroethylene in the anterior abdominal wallDolzhikov, A. A.; Leshchenko, A. S.; Kolpakov, A. Ya.; Kulikovsky, V. F.; Iarosh, A. L.
2010Comparison of vasopressin and oxytocin expressions in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of patients with chronic heart failureGrinevich, V.; Sivukhina, E. V.; Morozov, Iu. E.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Jirikowski, G. F.
2015Correction of adma-induced preeclampsia with the use of phosphodiesterase 5 and selective inhibitor of arginase II ZB49-0010Gureev, V. V.; Pokrovskii, M. V.; Korokin, M. V.; Gudyrev, O. S.; Philippova, O. V.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Lazareva, G. A.
2006Effects of chronic alcoholic disease on magnocellular and parvocellular hypothalamic neurons in menGrinevich, V.; Sivukhina, E. V.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Morozov, Iu. E.; Jirikowski, G. F.
2015Endothelio- and cardioprotective effects of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors under the condition of endotoxin-induced endothelial dysfunctionDenisuk, T. A.; Pokrovskii, M. V.; Philippova, O. V.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Pokrovskaia, T. G.; Korokin, M. V.; Gudyrev, O. S.
2024Epoetin-alfa-induced osteogenesis in the bone organoid modelNadezhdina, N. A.; Gudyrev, O. S.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Danilenko, L. M.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Kremleva, К. К.; Pokrovskaya, T. G.
2018Gene polimorphism and endometrium hyperplastic processesPonomarenko, I. V.; Kulikovskiy, V. F.; Sorokina, I. N.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Polonikov, A. V.
2018Intergenic interactions and hyperplastic diseases of endo- and myometriumPonomarenko, V. I.; Kulikovskiy, V. F.; Krikun, E. N.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Churnosov, M. I.
2015Morphological characteristics of the pancreatic heterotopia in the major duodenal papillaDolzhikov, A. A.; Tverskoi, A. V.
2015Morphometric study of hippocampal neurons in chronic immobilization stressDolzhikov, A. A.; Tverskoi, A. V.; Bobyntsev, I. I.; Kriukov, A. A.; Belykh, A. E.
2016Pharmacological correction of L-NAME-induced oxide deficiency with derivatives of 3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium) propionateSkachilova, S. Y.; Kesarev, O. G.; Danilenko, L. M.; Bystrova, N. A.; Dolzhikov, A. A.
2016Pharmacological preconditioning by recombinant erythropoietin as the possibility of increasing the stability of tissue of the retina to reperfusion ischemia in experimentShabelnikova, A. S.; Peresypkina, A. A.; Gubareva, V. O.; Levkova, E. A.; Dolzhikov, A. A.
2018Possible ways of pharmacological correction of ischemic liver damages using aronist of peripheral imidazoline receptors C7070Dovgan, A. P.; Povetkin, S. V.; Batishcheva, G. A.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Pokrovsky, V. M.; Urozhevskaya, Z. S.
2019Retinoprotective effects of non-selective imidazoline receptor agonistsLevkova, E. A.; Pazhinsky, A. L.; Bashuk, V. V.; Dubovtsova, E. Yu.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Beskhmelnitsyna, E. A.; Vain, D. S.; Gureev, V. V.
2020Review of a new concept of glaucoma pathogenesis based on the glymphatic theory of cerebrospinal fluid circulationDolzhikov, A. A.; Pobeda, A. S.; Peresypkina, A. A.; Dolzhikova, I. N.; Zhunusov, N. S.; Lugovskoy, S. S.
2016Study of the influence of L-norvaline, rosuvastatin and their combination on the level of microcirculation in bone tissue in experimental osteoporosis and fractures on its backgroundRajkumar, D. S. R.; Gudyrev, O. S.; Faitelson, A. V.; Stepchenko, A. A.; Dolzhikov, A. A.
2019Study of the selective phenolic inhibitors of arginase 2 acute toxicityKorokina, L. V.; Pokrovskii, M. V.; Korokin, M. V.; Pokopejko, O. N.; Pokrovskaia, T. G.; Galenko-Yaroshevsky, P. G.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Reznichenko, L. V.; Yakovleva, E. G.
2017The development of hypertensive neuroretinopathy model on wistar ratsPeresypkina, A. A.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Gubareva, V. O.; Levkova, E. A.; Shabelnikova, A. S.