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Результаты 1 по 9 из 9
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Assessment of physicians’ and senior medical students’ knowledge in treatment of patients with community-acquired pneumonia: Current results of the KNOCAP projectBontsevich, R. A.; Filinichenko, T. S.; Gavrilova, A. A.; Goncharova, N. Y.; Myronenko, O. V.
2020Community-acquired pneumonia: the dynamics of senior medical students’ knowledgeGavrilova, A. A.; Bontsevich, R. A.; Vovk, Y. R.; Zemlyanskaya, O. I.; Flusova, V. A.; Subina, T. L.
2019Comparative assessment of physicians’ and senior medical students’ basic knowledge in treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseBontsevich, R. A.; Filinichenko, T. S.; Vovk, Y. R.; Gavrilova, A. A.; Prozorova, G. G.
2020Modern approaches to pharmacotherapy of community-acquired pneumoniaGavrilova, A. A.; Bontsevich, R. A.; Vovk, Y. R.; Balabanova, A. A.
2020Pharmacotherapy and other aspects of senior medical students’ knowledge in community-acquired pneumonia: the final results of the KNOCAP II projectBontsevich, R. A.; Gavrilova, A. A.; Adonina, A. V.; Vovk, Y. R.; Goncharova, N. Y.
2020Pharmacotherapy, etiopathogenesis, and diagnostics of bronchial asthma: assessment of the level of senior medical students’ knowledge. Comparison of the ASSA-I AND ASSA-II project resultsBontsevich, R. A.; Adonina, A. V.; Gavrilova, A. A.; Vovk, Y. R.; Shchurovskaya, K. V.; Kutsenko, D. I.; Korokin, M. V.
2020Physicians and senior medical students knowledge of drug contraindicated for arterial hypertension according to the Phystarh studyBontsevich, R. A.; Vovk, Y. R.; Gavrilova, A. A.; Prozorova, G. G.; Batisheva, G. A.; Kompaniets, O. G.; Myronenko, O. V.
2020Rational antimicrobial chemotherapy: assessment of the level of basic knowledge of general practitioners. Final results of the KANT projectBontsevich, R. A.; Adonina, A. V.; Gavrilova, A. A.; Vovk, Y. R.; Maximov, M. L.
2020The assessment of physicians' and senior medical students’ knowledge in the field of community-acquired pneumonia: preliminary results of the KNOCAP-II project (2017-2019)Bontsevich, R. A.; Gavrilova, A. A.; Vovk, Y. R.; Adonina, A. V.; Goncharova, N. Y.