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Результаты 1 по 8 из 8
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Correlation of the tribological properties of LIPSS on TiN surface with 3D parameters of roughnessGazizova, M. Yu.; Smirnov, N. A.; Kudryashov, S. I.; Chen, J.; Goncharov, I. Yu.
2018Effect of plastic deformation on the structure and properties of the Ti/TiB composite produced by spark plasma sinteringOzerov, M. S.; Gazizova, M. Yu.; Klimova, M. V.; Stepanov, N. D.; Zherebtsov, S. V.
2021Influence of nitriding parameters in radio-frequency inductive discharge plasma on the structural-phase state and properties of H12MF steelNovikov, V. Yu.; Goncharov, I. Yu.; Yapryntsev, M. N.; Gazizova, M. Yu.
2021Structure and corrosion properties of stainless steel after high-power ion beam processingZhidkov, M. V.; Gazizova, M. Yu.; Ligachev, A. E.
2022Study of craters formed on surface of AISI 321 stainless steel after high power ion-beam exposureZhidkov, M. V.; Ligachev, A. E.; Golosov, E. V.; Gazizova, M. Yu.; Pavlov, S. K.
2023The coarsening behavior of strengthening particles in an Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloy during creepGazizov, M. R.; Belyakov, A. N.; Holmestad, R.; Gazizova, M. Yu.; Kaibyshev, R. O.
2023The deformation behavior of the {111}Al plates in an Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloyGazizov, M. R.; Belyakov, A. N.; Holmestad, R.; Gazizova, M. Yu.; Kaibyshev, R. O.
2020The effect of femtosecond laser treatment on the tribological properties of titanium nitrideGazizova, M. Yu.; Smirnov, N. A.; Kudrayshov, S. I.; Shugurov, V. V.