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Результаты 1 по 13 из 13
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Development of national army hand-to-hand combat as a sportIrkhin, V. N.; Gomzyakova, I. P.; Oldenburger, R. F.; Komarova, I. G.
2022Features of prevention of deviant behavior of students by means of sports and recreational activitiesIrkhin, V. N.; Sazonov, D. N.; Sylka, S. I.; Voronin, I. Yu.
2022Features of prevention of deviant behavior of students by means of sports and recreational activitiesIrkhin, V. N.; Sazonov, D. N.; Sylka, S. I.; Voronin, I. Yu.
2022First- versus last-year university students’ physical education motivationsIrkhin, V. N.; Gut, Y. N.; Korneeva, S. A.; Rylsky, S. V.
2022Historical development of domestic army hand-to-hand combat as a sportIrkhin, V. N.; Oldenburger, R. F.; Koreneva, M. S.; Repina, N. V.
2021Legal and regulatory provisions to facilitate professional progress of physical education teachers in pirdnestrovian moldovan republic: efficiency surveyIrkhin, V. N.; Tymchek, M. G.; Amurskaya, O. V.; Kondratenko, P. P.
2015Management mechanisms of the health oriented educational system development : by the example of Belgorod region schoolsIrkhin, V. N.; Bogacheva, E. A.
2021Motivating university students for sport competitionsPolukhin, O. N.; Irkhin, V. N.; Nikulin, I. N.; Voronkov, A. V.; Zagoruiko, Y. A.
2019Preservation of student health at university class exercise: implementation technologyIrkhin, V. N.; Irkhina, I. V.; Mikhneva, A. G.; Nikulina, T. V.; Peresypkin, A. P.
2017Technology of forming the algorithmic culture of future teachers in the distance learning conditionsIrkhina, I. V.; Isaev, I. F.; Shehovskaya, N. L.; Irkhin, V. N.; Ostapenko, S. I.
2015The content and essence of education kinesiologyIrkhin, V. N.; Irkhina, I. V.; Polshhikova, O. V.; Markov, А. V.
2018The experience of formation of schoo-lchildren’s healthy lifestyle in the conditions of activities of the regional innovative platform in Belgorod regionBogacheva, E. A.; Irkhin, V. N.
2018The system of medical and pedagogical support of students' health in the educational process of the universityIrkhin, V. N.; Irkhina, I. V.; Nikulina, T. V.; Nikulin, I. N.; Peresypkin, A. P.