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Browsing by Author Kostina, D. A.

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Effect of the secretome of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells induced by dexamethasone in vitro on the expression of phospho-NF-κB p65 and Ki-67 in mononuclear cellsGolubinskaya, P. A.; Puzanov, M. V.; Burda, S. Y.; Kostina, D. A.; Burda, Yu. E.
2017Interleukin-6 is a potential target for a correction of endothelial dysfunction associated with low-grade systemic inflammationKostina, D. A.; Pokrovskaya, T. G.; Beskhmelnitsyna, E. A.
2017Nuclear factor kappa B as a potential target for pharmacological correction endothelium-associated pathologyRagulina, V. A.; Kostina, D. A.; Dovgan, A. P.; Burda, Y. E.; Nadezhdin, S. V.
2024Pharmacological correction of post-contrast acute kidney injury with a functional product based on fermented grape juiceShcheblykina, O. V.; Kostina, D. A.; Stoyanova, N. G.; Efremenko, I. A.; Avtina, T. V.
2021Renoprotective effect of carbamylated darbepoetin and udenafil in ischemia-reperfusion of rat kidney due to the effect of preconditioning and inhibition of nuclear factor kappa BKostina, D. A.; Pokrovskaya, T. G.; Poltev, V. Y.
2017Search of new pharmaceuticals on the basis of darbepoetin in the treatment of ischemic stroke: review of literatureReznikov, K. M.; Gorbunova, N. S.; Kolesnichenko, P. D.; Tverskoy, A. V.; Kostina, D. A.
2024Study of the neuroprotective properties of the heteroreceptor EPOR/CD131 agonist of peptide structure in tau-proteinopathy modelingStepenko, Yu. V.; Shmigerova, V. S.; Kostina, D. A.; Shcheblykina, O. V.; Zhernakova, N. I.; Solin, A. V.; Koroleva, N. V.; Markovskaya, V. A.; Dudnikova, O. V.; Bolgov, A. A.
2017Test system for evaluation of the influence of the biological activity of substances on the signal system of NF-κB: focus on the derivatives of 3- hydroxypyridineSkachilova, S. Y.; Ragulina, V. A.; Kostina, D. A.; Burda, Y. E.