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Результаты 1 по 4 из 4
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019Changes in the atmospheric circulation conditions and regional climatic characteristics in two remote regions since the mid-20th centuryLebedeva, M. G.; Lupo, A. R.; Chendev, Yu. G.; Krymskaya, O. V.; Solovyev, A. B.
2022Demographic and spatial structure at the stage of expansion in the populations of some alien land snails in Belgorod city (Central Russian Upland)Adamova, V. V.; Ukrainskiy, P. A.; Krymskaya, O. V.
2014Regional manifestations of changes in atmospheric circulation in the Central Black Earth region : by the example of Belgorod regionPetin, A. N.; Lebedeva, M. G.; Krymskaya, O. V.; Chendev, Yu. G.; Kornilov, A. G.
2016Trends in summer season climate for Eastern Europe and Southern Russia in the early 21st centuryLebedeva, M. G.; Krymskaya, O. V.; Lupo, A. R.; Chendev, Yu. G.; Petin, A. N.