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Результаты 1 по 20 из 71  дальше >
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018A multi-wirescanner test setup utilizing characteristic X-rays for charged particle and photon beam diagnosticsNazhmudinov, R. M.; Kubankin, A. S.; Karataev, P. V.; Kishin, I. A.; Vukolov, A. V.
2018About a contactless transmission of 10 keV electrons through tapering microchannelsVokhmyanina, K. A.; Sotnikova, V. S.; Kaplii, A. A.; Sotnikov, A. V.; Kubankin, A. S.
2008Angular dependence of the coherent peak position in the polarization bremsstrahlung spectrum of relativistic electrons in polycrystalline targetsGostishchev, N. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Nasonov, N. N.; Polyanskii, V. V.; Sergienko, V. I.; Khablo, V. A.
2003Angular distribution of X-ray radiation by 500 MeV electrons in a tungsten crystalNasonov, N.; Adischev, Y. N.; Arishev, S. N.; Vnukov, A. V.; Kubankin, A. S.
2023Anomaly in Pyroelectric Current Generation with Varying Lithium Tantalate Single Crystal Temperature with a Constant RateGilts, M. E.; Kishin, I. A.; Klenin, A. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Oleinik, A. N.
2021Calculation of the band structure and density of localized states of materials of the quasi-binary system Zn₃As₂- Mn₃As₂Zakhvalinskii, V. S.; Nikulicheva, T. B.; Pilyuk, E. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Morocho, A. A.
2018Ceramic piezoelectric transformer in vacuum for acceleration of electrons and production of X-raysShchagin, A. V.; Miroshnik, V. S.; Volkov, V. I.; Kubankin, A. S.; Ivashchuk, O. O.
2019Compact neutron generators for the calibration of low background experimentsChepurnov, A. S.; Kaplii, A. A.; Klenin, A. A.; Kolesnikov, D. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Oleinik, A. N.; Shchagin, A. V.
2011Defining the distribution function of mosaic crystal grains on orientation angles using synchrotron radiationZhukova, P. N.; Kubankin, A. S.; Ladnyh, M. S.; Nasonov, N. N.
2021Dependence of the endpoint energy of X-ray radiation on the preliminary temperature change during the pyroelectric source operation in the pulsed modeOleinik, A. N.; Bolotov, E. V.; Gilts, M. E.; Ivashchuk, O. O.; Klenin, A. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Shchagin, A. V.
2017Development of pyroelectric neutron source for calibration of neutrino and dark matter detectorsChepurnov, A. S.; Ionidi, V. Y.; Gromov, M. B.; Kirsanov, M. A.; Klyuyev, A. S.; Kubankin, A. S.; Oleinik, A. N.; Shchagin, A. V.; Vokhmyanina, K. A.
2021Effect of the grain size of powder targets on the spectra parametric X-ray radiation of relativistic electronsAlekseev, V. I.; Kishin, I. A.; Klyuev, A. S.; Kubankin, A. S.; Nazhmudinov, R. M.
2021Effect of the grain size of powder targets on the spectra parametric X-ray radiation of relativistic electronsAlekseev, V. I.; Kishin, I. A.; Klyuev, A. S.; Kubankin, A. S.; Nazhmudinov, R. M.
2016Enhancement effects of transition and Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation mechanisms under grazing interaction of fast electrons with a thick substrate applied by thin layerIrribarra, E.; Kubankin, A. S.; Sotnikov, A.; Nazhmudinov, R. M.; Fam, T.; Starovoytov, A. P.
2018Experimental setup for studying the processes occurring during interaction of fast electrons with matterVokhmyanina, K. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Kishin, I. A.; Nazhmudinov, R. M.; Kubankin, Yu. S.
2016Extraction of the carbon ion beam from the U-70 accelerator into beamline 4a using a bent single crystalAfonin, A. G.; Barnov, E. V.; Britvich, G. I.; Durum, A. A.; Kubankin, A. S.
2007Extreme ultraviolet emission from non-relativistic electrons penetrating a multilayer nanostructureGoldstein, M.; Nasonov, N. N.; Kubankin, A. S.; Zhukova, P. N.; Williams, D. L.
2008Features of the transition radiation generated by weakly-relativistic electrons in the regime of grazing escape from a flat targetKubankin, A. S.
2009Features of the transition radiation of the electron in the vacuum ultraviolet rangeKubankin, A. S.
2010First observation of parametric X-ray radiation enhancement for grazing incident electronsEliseev, A. N.; Khablo, V. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Nasonov, N. N.; Nazhmudinov, R. M.