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Результаты 1 по 7 из 7
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Comparative analysis of morphology 1D and 2D particles effect in starting powders on microstructure and thermoelectric properties of grained Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 compoundYaprintsev, M.; Vasilyev, A.; Ivanov, O.; Popkov, D.; Kudryavtsev, E.
2022Effect of cold swaging on the bulk gradient structure formation and mechanical properties of a 316-Type austenitic stainless steelPanov, D.; Chernichenko, R.; Kudryavtsev, E.; Klimenko, D.; Naumov, S.
2014Effect of microstructure state of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V on structure and mechanical properties of joints produced by diffusion bonding processLopatin, N.; Senkevich, K.; Kudryavtsev, E.
2019Influence of Al on the structure and in vitro behavior of hydroxyapatite nanopowdersGoldberg, M.; Gafurov, M.; Makshakova, O.; Smirnov, V.; Komlev, V.; Barinov, S.; Kudryavtsev, E.
2021Mechanisms of the reverse martensite-to-austenite transformation in a metastable austenitic stainless steelPanov, D.; Kudryavtsev, E.; Chernichenko, R.; Stepanov, N.; Zherebtsov, S.; Salishchev, G.
2012Strength and ductility-related properties of ultrafine grained two-phase titanium alloy produced by warm multiaxial forgingZherebtsov, S.; Kudryavtsev, E.; Kostjuchenko, S.; Malysheva, S; Salishchev, G.
2020The influence of co additive on the sintering, mechanical properties, cytocompatibility, and digital light processing based stereolithography of 3Y-TZP-5Al₂O₃ ceramicsGoldberg, M.; Obolkina, T.; Smirnov, S.; Protsenko, P.; Kudryavtsev, E.