Дата выпуска | Название | Автор(ы) |
2021 | A laboratory approach on the improvement of oil recovery and carbon dioxide storage capacity improvement by cyclic carbon dioxide injection | Qing Guo; Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi; Mohammad Lahafdoozian; Palyanitsina, A.; Kuzichkin, O. R. |
2022 | Algorithm for a forecast assessment of negative changes in underground water in the territory of non centralized water supply | Romanov, R. V.; Kuzichkin, O. R.; Vasiliev, G. S. |
2021 | Algorithm for monitoring the operability of Peltier thermoelectric modules based on the identification of transients | Kuzichkin, O. R.; Surzhik, D. I.; Vasilyev, G. S.; Shcherbinina, N. V. |
2020 | An integrated approach to the construction of energy-saving trigeneration systems for objects of the agro-industrial complex | Surzhik, D. I.; Kuzichkin, O. R.; Vasilyev, G. S. |
2017 | Analysis of influence of endogenous factors on results of geoecological express-control of water resources | Grecheneva, A. V.; Kuzichkin, O. R.; Romanov, R. V.; Bykov, A. A. |
2018 | Analysis of noise characteristics of multichannel systems of the formation of signals of georadars with synthesized aperture | Kuzichkin, O. R.; Surzhik, D. I.; Vasiliev, G. S.; Kurilov, I. A.; Dorofeev, N. V. |
2024 | Analysis of transient modes of Peltier thermoelectric elements under various input influences | Vasilyev, G. S.; Kuzichkin, O. R.; Surzhik, D. I.; Koskin, A. V. |
2022 | Anti-inflammatory effect of functionalized sulfasalazine boron nitride nanocages on cardiovascular disease and breast cancer: An in-silico simulation | Kadda Hachem; Maria Jade Catalan Opulencia; Walid Kamal Abdelbasset; Sevbitov, A.; Kuzichkin, O. R. |
2017 | Application of a phase-measuring method in the inclinometric systems of geotechnical monitoring | Grecheneva, A. V.; Kuzichkin, O. R.; Dorofeev, N. V.; Eremenko, V. T. |
2022 | Application of Fuzzy Algorithms for Controlling the Modes of Solar Panels in Technological Monitoring at Peak Load | Kuzichkin, O. R.; Vasilyev, G. S.; Surzhik, D. I.; Bondarik, K. V.; Gladyshev, M. A. |
2020 | Application of fuzzy synchronization in the NLOS UV communication system | Vasilyev, G. S.; Kuzichkin, O. R.; Surzhik, D. I.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Lazarev, S. A. |
2020 | Application of phase distortion autocompensation to improve the spectral characteristics of signal generators of UAV radio transmitter | Surzhik, D. I.; Vasilyev, G. S.; Kuzichkin, O. R. |
2020 | Application of phase-metric compensation method for geoelectric control of near-surface geodynamic processes | Kuzichkin, O. R.; Vasilyev, G. S.; Grecheneva, A. V.; Mikhaleva, E. V.; Baknin, M. D. |
2020 | Approach to the choice of modernization directions for the system of geodynamic monitoring in cases of using components intensity uncertainty | Kuzichkin, O. R.; Eremenko, V. T.; Loginov, I. V.; Grecheneva, A. V.; Vasilyev, G. S. |
2020 | Assessment of the geodynamic sensitivity of the method of express control of groundwater quality | Romanov, R. V.; Kuzichkin, O. R.; Dorofeev, N. V.; Grecheneva, A. V.; Mikhaleva, E. S.; Surzhik, D. I. |
2019 | AUV Link mobile ad-hoc network examination | Konstantinov, I. S.; Vasyliev, G. S.; Kuzichkin, O. R.; Surzhik, D. I.; Kurilov, I. A.; Lazarev, S. A. |
2023 | Control and stabilization of the spatiotemporal distribution of climatic parameters at agricultural facilities using thermoelectric systems | Vasilyev, G. S.; Kuzichkin, O. R.; Surzhik, D. I.; Koskin, A. V. |
2021 | Control of operability of Peltier modules in cooling systems based on the analysis of transient operating modes | Kuzichkin, O. R.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Vasilyev, G. S.; Surzhik, D. I. |
2017 | Design and use of highly sensitive induction sensors for geodynamic monitoring | Kuzichkin, O. R.; Mikhaleva, E. S.; Dorofeev, N. V.; Grecheneva, A. V. |
2017 | Determination of the preliminary phase of the facility destruction based on the resistance-acoustic method of control | Kuzichkin, O. R.; Bykov, A. A.; Dorofeev, N. V.; Podmasteriev, K. V. |