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Результаты 1 по 4 из 4
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020Correction of morphofunctional disorders of the cardiovascular system with asialized erythropoietin and arginase II selective inhibitors KUD 974 and KUD 259 in experimental preeclampsiaLokteva, T. I.; Rozhkov, I. S.; Gureev, V. V.; Gureeva, A. V.; Zatolokina, M. A.
2019Integrated evaluation of the endothelioprotective activity of an innovative peptide simulating the alpha-helix of B-erythropoethin in L-name-induced nitrogen oxide deficiency at the late gestation periodPokrovskii, M. V.; Yurakova, A. V.; Gureev, V. V.; Golubev, I. V.; Lokteva, T. I.; Korokin, M. V.; Gudyrev, O. S.; Pokrovskaia, T. G.
2019The effect of arginase ii selective inhibitors on the functional parameters of experimental animals in ADMA–like preeclampsiaSeverinova, O. V.; Lokteva, T. I.; Gureev, V. V.; Zhernakova, N. I.; Osipova, O. A.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Pokrovskaya, T. G.
2015The effect of humoral factors released by hypoperfused placenta on fetal developmentGureev, V. V.; Antseferova, O. Y.; Lokteva, T. I.; Dolzhikov, A. A.