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Результаты 1 по 20 из 21  дальше >
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018A comparative evaluation of macro- and microelement composition of plants of white lupine and soybeanLukin, S. V.; Selyukova, S. V.; Prazina, E. A.; Chetverikova, N. S.
2023Agroecological assessment of heavy metals and arsenic content in ordinary chernozem in the Central Chernozem region of RussiaLukin, S. V.
2023Assessment of the content of arsenic and mercury in the agroecosystems of the Central Chernozem Region of RussiaLukin, S. V.
2020Change of forest-steppe chernozems under the influence of shelterbelts in the south of the central Russian uplandChendev, Yu. G.; Gennadiev, A. N.; Lukin, S. V.; Sauer, T. J.; Belevantsev, V. G.
2019Communicative discourse of terminology used in gastronomical media cultureSedykh, A. P.; Lukin, S. V.; Georgieva, E. S.; Puiu, L. V.; Nikonov, S. B.
2022Content and Balance of Trace Elements (Co, Mn, Zn) in Agroecosystems of the Central Chernozemic Region of RussiaLukin, S. V.; Zhuikov, D. V.
2022Cycles, Nitrogen Budget, and Sustainability of Agroecosystems after Applying Organic Fertilizers (Labeled with 15N)Zavalin, A. A.; Sokolov, O. A.; Shmyreva, N. Ya.; Lukin, S. V.; Awilow, A. S.
2021Digital mapping of soil associations and eroded soils (Prokhorovskii district, Belgorod oblast)Zhidkin, A. P.; Smirnova, M. A.; Gennadiev, A. N.; Lukin, S. V.; Zazdravnykh, Ye. A.
2023Dynamics of agroecological state of soils in the Belgorod Region during long-term agricultural useLukin, S. V.
2021Ecological assessment of sulfur content in agroecosystems of the Central Black Earth region of RussiaLukin, S. V.; Zhuykov, D. V.
2018Ecological assessment of the content of cadmium in soils and crops in southwestern regions of the Central Chernozemic Zone, RussiaLukin, S. V.; Selyukova, S. V.
2020Ecological estimation of cadmium content in agricultural cenosis of the central chernozem region of RussiaLukin, S. V.; Selyukova, S. V.; Chernikov, V. A.; GaItova, A. A.
2023Geomorphic factors influencing the spatial distribution of eroded Chernozems in automated digital soil erosion mappingBuryak, ZH. A.; Ukrainsky, P. A.; Gusarov, A. V.; Lukin, S. V.; Beylich, A. A.
2019Legume reaction to soil acidityZavalin, A. A.; Sokolov, O. A.; Shmyreva, N. Ya.; Lukin, S. V.
2024Monitoring of chrome and nickel contents in agroecosystems of the Central Chernozem region of RussiaLukin, S. V.
2021Monitoring of mercury content in agroecosystems of the central Chernozem region of RussiaChekmarev, P. A.; Lukin, S. V.; Selyukova, S. V.
2023Monitoring of the cadmium content in agroecosystems in the Central Black Earth Region of RussiaLukin, S. V.
2019Monitoring of the content of manganese in soils and agricultural plants of the central Chernozem Region of RussiaLukin, S. V.; Zhuykov, D. V.; Kostin, I. G.; Prazina, E. A.; Zavalin, A. A.; Chernikov, V. A.
2021Monitoring of the contents of manganese, zinc, and copper in soils and plants of the Central Chernozemic region of RussiaLukin, S. V.; Zhuikov, D. V.
2023Monitoring of the lead content in agroecosystems of the central black earth region of RussiaLukin, S. V.