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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20213D organotypic cell structures for drug development and Microorganism-Host interaction researchZubareva, E. V.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Belyaeva, V. S.; Burda, Yu. E.; Avtina, T. V.; Gudyrev, O. S.
2020Biological activity of mesenchymal stem cells secretome as a basis for cell-free therapeutic approachPokrovskaya, L. A.; Zubareva, E. V.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Lysenko, A. S.; Litovkina, T. I.
2019Cardiac fibroblasts mitochondrial activity in the presence of medicinal preparations with various pharmacological effectsNadezhdin, S. V.; Zubareva, E. V.; Brednikova, E. A.; Movchan, E. A.; Belyaeva, V. S.; Provotorov, V. Ya.; Stepchenko, A. A.
2007Comparative estimation of the "Membrane Reserve" of blood cells of reptiles and mammalsFedorova, M. Z.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Golovko, S. I.; Zubareva, E. V.
2019Effect of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells secretome on imiquimod-induced psoriasis in ratsNadezhdina, N. A.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Bondarev, V. P.; Mycic, A. V.; Burda, Yu. E.; Pokrovskiy, M. V.; Danilenko, L. M.; Peresypkina, A. A.
2024Epoetin-alfa-induced osteogenesis in the bone organoid modelNadezhdina, N. A.; Gudyrev, O. S.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Danilenko, L. M.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Kremleva, К. К.; Pokrovskaya, T. G.
2020Expression of RUNX2 and osterix in rat mesenchymal stem cells during culturing in osteogenic-conditioned mediumPokrovskaya, L. A.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Zubareva, E. V.; Burda, Yu. E.; Gnezdyukova, E. S.
2023In Vitro Study of Cytostatic Activity of Baicalin, Baicalein, and Chlorophyllipt on HeLa-v Cell LineBoyko, N. N.; Novikov, O. O.; Zhilyakova, E. T.; Pisarev, D. I.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Zubareva, E. V.; Lysenko, A. S.; Lapshina, E. G.
2017Influence of implants surface properties on bone tissue formation in the ectopic osteogenesis testNadezhdin, S. V.; Zubareva, E. V.; Burda, Yu. E.; Kolobov, Yu. R.; Ivanov, M. B.
2019Influence of recombinant erythropoietin on mesenchymal stem cells proliferation and differentiation during cultivation on allogenic bone matrixNadezhdin, S. V.; Zubareva, E. V.; Ovsyankin, A. V.; Guzyukina, S. A.; Atamanyuk, E. A.
2017Nuclear factor kappa B as a potential target for pharmacological correction endothelium-associated pathologyRagulina, V. A.; Kostina, D. A.; Dovgan, A. P.; Burda, Y. E.; Nadezhdin, S. V.
2020Osteoinductive properties of secretome of human mesenchymal stem cells, obtained with automatic cell culture systemAleksandrova, S. A.; Nashchekina, Yu. A.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Vasiliev, S. A.; Savchenko, R. R.
2022Personalized approaches to the use of the antioxidant ethoxidol in patients with coronary heart diseaseRomaschenko, O. V.; Pokrovsky, M. V.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Rumbesht, V. V.; Zhernakova, N. I.; Alferov, P. K.; Grischenko, N. D.
2018Pharmacological screening of substances with cardioprotective effect in the group of 3-oxypyridine derivativesDanilenko, L. M.; Skachilova, S. Ya.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Timokhina, A. S.; Shcheblykina, O. V.
2019Pleiotropic effects of erythropoietin. Influence of erythropoietin on processes of mesenchymal stem cells differentiationZubareva, E. V.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Burda, Y. E.; Nadezhdina, N. A.; Gashevskaya, A. S.
2009Relationship between osteoinductive characteristics of biocomposite material and physicochemical characteristics of coatingFedorova, M. Z.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Kolobov, Yu. R.; Ivanov, M. B.; Pavlov, N. A.; Zubareva, E. V.
2022Study of the anti-inflammatory and immunotropic activity of the secretome from multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells induced by erythropoietin, valproic acid or dexamethasone in vitroGolubinskaya, P. A.; Puzanov, M. V.; Sarycheva, M. V.; Burda, S. Yu.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Korokin, M. V.
2016Test-system for estimation of activity of GSK-3 inhibitors as antihypoxants and differentiation of endothelial progenitors in vitroBurda, Y. E.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Zubareva, E. V.; Pokrovskii, M. V.; Faitelson, A. V.
2022The cytoprotective property of ethoxidol in patients with coronary heart diseaseRomaschenko, O. V.; Pokrovsky, M. V.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Zhernakova, N. I.; Alferov, P. K.
2017The influence of the concentration of montmorillonite containing sorbent and pH of the culture medium on the antibiotic sensitivity of Escherichia coli, as well as the effect of ground on growth of EscherichiaBukhanov, V. D.; Vezentsev, A. I.; Filippova, O. V.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Pankova, O. N.