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Результаты 1 по 19 из 19
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022AC conductivity of amorphous and polycrystalline Cd₃As₂ films on single crystal substrates of Al₂O₃Morocho, A. A.; Pilyuk, E. A.; Zakhvalinskii, V. S.; Nikulicheva, T. B.; Yapryntsev, M. N.; Novikov, V. Yu.
2020Characteristics of ZrB₂-ZrO₂-MoSi₂-Al coating on carbon/carbon composite obtained by a new multi-chamber detonation acceleratorKovaleva, M. G.; Goncharov, I. Yu.; Novikov, V. Yu.; Yapryntsev, M. N.; Vagina, O. N.; Pavlenko, I. N.
2015Deposition and characterization of the titanium-based coating by a multi-chamber detonation sprayerArseenko, M. Yu.; Tyurin, Yu. N.; Prozorova, M. S.; Kovaleva, M. G.; Novikov, V. Yu.; Yapryntsev, M. N.; Sirota, V. V.; Pavlenko, I. A.
2021Effect of control of a fast-electron beam using a ceramic channelVokhmyanina, K. A.; Myshelovka, L. V.; Pyatigor, A. D.; Sotnikova, V. S.; Novikov, V. Yu.
2021Effect of microstructure on the oxidation behavior of a β-solidified γ-TiAl based alloy after nitrogen ion implantationPanov, D. O.; Sokolovsky, V. S.; Stepanov, N. D.; Zherebtsov, S. V.; Novikov, V. Yu.; Salishchev, G. A.
2018Formation of superhard state of the TiZrHfNbTaYN vacuum-arc high entropy coatingBeresnev, V. M.; Sobol, O. V.; Andreev, A. A.; Gorban, V. F.; Novikov, V. Yu.
2021Influence of nitriding parameters in radio-frequency inductive discharge plasma on the structural-phase state and properties of H12MF steelNovikov, V. Yu.; Goncharov, I. Yu.; Yapryntsev, M. N.; Gazizova, M. Yu.
2023Investigation of Modification of the Internal Surface of Polysulfone Hollow Fiber Channels under Their Irradiation by a 10-keV Electron BeamMyshelovka, L. V.; Vokhmyanina, K. A.; Pyatigor, A. D.; Sotnikova, V. S.; Kubankina, A. A.; Novikov, V. Yu.; Grigoriev, Yu. V.
2021Microstructure evolution and phase transformation of ZrB₂-45MoSi₂-10Al coating at high temperatureKovaleva, M. G.; Novikov, V. Yu.; Vagina, O. N.; Sirota, V. V.
2022Microstructure features of metal-matrix composites based on thermoelectric bismuth telluride matrix and ferromagnetic fillerIvanov, O. N.; Yapryntsev, M. N.; Vasilev, A. E.; Zhezhu, M. V.; Novikov, V. Yu.
2017Microstructure of spark plasma-sintered silicon nitride ceramicsLukianova, O. A.; Novikov, V. Yu.; Parkhomenko, A. A.; Sirota, V. V.; Krasilnikov, V. V.
2020Production, Structure and Properties of Coatings Based on Al₂O₃ Obtained by Magnetron MethodKolesnikov, D. A.; Sudzhanskaya, I. V.; Novikov, V. Yu.; Kudryavtsev, E. A.; Krytsyna, E. V.
2019Structure and mechanical properties of multilayer coatings (TiAlCrY)N/ZrNNovikov, V. Yu.; Beresnev, V. M.; Kolesnikov, D. A.; Ivanov, O. N.; Lytovchenko, S. V.
2018Structure and mechanical properties of TiAlSiY vacuum-arc coatings deposited in nitrogen atmosphereBeresnev, V. M.; Sobol, O. V.; Pogrebnjak, A. D.; Lytovchenko, S. V.; Novikov, V. Yu.
2018Structure and mechanical properties of TiAlSiY vacuum-arc coatings deposited in nitrogen atmosphereBeresnev, V. M.; Sobol, O. V.; Pogrebnjak, A. D.; Lytovchenko, S. V.; Novikov, V. Yu.
2019Structure and physicomechanical properties of superhard multicomponent multilayer (TiAlСrY/Zr)/(TiAlСrYN/ZrN) coatings with double modulation period of the structureNovikov, V. Yu.; Beresnev, V. M.; Kolesnikov, D. A.; Ivanov, O. N.; Lytovchenko, S. V.
2015Structure and properties of the hardmetal coatings Cr3C2-25NiCr formed by a multi-chamber detonation sprayerKovaleva, M. G.; Tyurin, Yu. N.; Prozorova, M. S.; Arseenko, M. Yu.; Yapryntsev, M. N.; Novikov, V. Yu.; Sirota, V. V.; Pavlenko, I. A.; Mamunin, K. N.
2017Structure and properties of vacuum arc single-layer and multiperiod two-layer nitride coatings based on Ti(Al): Si layersBeresnev, V. M.; Sobol, O. V.; Pogrebnjak, A. D.; Lytovchenko, S. V.; Novikov, V. Yu.
2015The electrical properties of coating obtained by vacuum arc depositionNovikov, V. Yu.; Goncharov, I. Yu.; Zakhvalinskii, V. S.; Kolpakov, A. Y.; Ivanov, M. B.; Kolesnicov, D. A.