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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Antiparkinsonian activity of selective MAO-B inhibitors of different chemical structuresFedorov, V. N.; Korsakov, M. K.; Shetnev, A. A.; Petukhov, S. S.; Volkhin, N. N.
2023Development of quantification methods of a new selective carbonic anhydrase II inhibitor in plasma and blood and study of the pharmacokinetics of its ophthalmic suspension in ratsKhokhlov, A. L.; Yaichkov, I. I.; Korsakov, M. K.; Shetnev, A. A.; Volkhin, N. N.
2024Identification and synthesis of metabolites of 4-(5-methyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2-yl)-benzenesulfonamideKhokhlov, A. L.; Yaichkov, I. I.; Shetnev, A. A.; Panova, V. A.; Efimova, Yu. A.
2024Identification and synthesis of metabolites of the new 4.5-dihydroisoxazol-5-carboxamide derivateKhokhlov, A. L.; Yaichkov, I. I.; Alexeev, M. A.; Korsakov, M. K.; Shetnev, A. A.
2024Identification and synthesis of metabolites of the new antiglaucoma drugKhokhlov, A. L.; Yaichkov, I. I.; Korsakov, M. K.; Shetnev, A. A.; Ivanovskiy, S. A.
2023Screening of anti-inflammatory activity of 4.5- dihydroisoxazol-5-carboxamide (PAR-2 inhibitors) based on formaldehyde oedema model among white lab ratsKorsakov, M. K.; Fedorov, V. N.; Smirnov, N. A.; Shetnev, A. A.; Leonova, O. V.
2024The evaluation of pharmacokinetic parameters of 4-(5-methyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2-yl)- benzenesulfonamide and its metabolites in rat plasmaKhokhlov, A. L.; Yaichkov, I. I.; Shetnev, A. A.; Korsakov, M. K.; Volkhin, N. N.