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Результаты 1 по 2 из 2
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Cryogenic-lateral hypothesis of the formation of the parent rock of soddy-podzolic soils using the example of the Ryshkovo paleosol (mis 5e) in the Taneyev quarry, Kursk RegionSycheva, S. A.; Khokhlova, O. S.; Ershova, E. G.; Myakshina, T. N.; Ukrainskiy, P. A.
2020Transformation of the Bryansk paleosol in microdepressions in the center of the East European forest-steppe during the maximum of valdai glaciation and in the HoloceneSycheva, S. A.; Pushkina, P. R.; Khokhlova, O. S.; Ukrainsky, P. A.