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Результаты 1 по 5 из 5
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2015Deposition and characterization of the titanium-based coating by a multi-chamber detonation sprayerArseenko, M. Yu.; Tyurin, Yu. N.; Prozorova, M. S.; Kovaleva, M. G.; Novikov, V. Yu.; Yapryntsev, M. N.; Sirota, V. V.; Pavlenko, I. A.
2019Layered structure of CoCrAlY/ZrSiO₄/Al₂O₃ coatings before and after thermal treatmentKovaleva, M. G.; Sirota, V. V.; Beresnev, V. M.; Tyurin, Yu. N.; Vagina, O. N.; Pavlenko, I. A.
2012Properties of coatings manufactured from titanium powderTyurin, Yu. N.; Polyakov, S. G.; Ivanov, M. B.; Kovaleva, M. G.; Maradudina, O. N.
2015Structure and properties of the hardmetal coatings Cr3C2-25NiCr formed by a multi-chamber detonation sprayerKovaleva, M. G.; Tyurin, Yu. N.; Prozorova, M. S.; Arseenko, M. Yu.; Yapryntsev, M. N.; Novikov, V. Yu.; Sirota, V. V.; Pavlenko, I. A.; Mamunin, K. N.
2012Structure and the physico-mechanical properties of the ceramic coatings obtained by the cumulative -detonation deviceProzorova, M. S.; Kovaleva, M. G.; Arseenko, M. Yu.; Tyurin, Yu. N.; Kolisnishenko, O. V.