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Результаты 1 по 19 из 19
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018About signals allowing to provide sustainability to impacts of short-term and or focused on spectrum interferenceZhilyakov, E. G.; Belov, S. P.; Ursol, D. V.
2017About speech data compressionZhilyakov, E. G.; Belov, S. P.; Belov, A. S.; Medvedeva, A. A.
2017About the best basis for cognitive radio signal developmentZhilyakov, E. G.
2017About the possibility of the type broadband channel signal aplication with linear frequency modulation in multichannel systems of satellite communicationBelov, S. P.; Zhilyakov, E. G.; Belov, Al. S.; Belov, An. S.; Rachinsky, S. A.
2017Constructing trends of time series segmentsZhilyakov, E. G.
2019Decisive rule experimental studies to detect objects on the background of the earth surface using polarization differences of radar signalsBurdanova, E. V.; Zhilyakov, E. G.; Oleynik, I. I.; Mamatov, A. V.; Nemtsev, A. N.
2019Evaluation of noise immunity of high orbital satellite telecommunication systems with broadband noise-like signBelov, S. P.; Zhilyakov, E. G.; Raczynski, S. A.; Belov, A. S.; Belov, A. S.; Bukhantsov, A. D.
2020Generalized sub band analysis and signal synthesisZhilyakov, E. G.; Belov, S. P.; Oleinik, I. I.; Babarinov, S. L.; Trubitsyna, D. I.
2021Information technologies for creating spatiotemporal modems multiposition active-passive radar systemsZhukov, A. O.; Zhilyakov, E. G.; Oleynik, I. I.; Orishchuk, S. G.; Fedorov, P. A.
2017Method of Forming Channel Signals with Zero Energy in a Given Frequency Range of Final DurationZhilyakov, E. G.; Belov, S. P.; Chernomorets, A. A.; Belov, A. S.
2003On the computation of approximate solutions of fredholm integral equations of the first kind with the use of empirical dataZhilyakov, E. G.
2020On the evaluation of noise immunity of different classes of wideband signalsZhilyakov, E. G.; Belov, S. P.; Belov, An. S.; Belov, Al. S.; Rachinsky, S. A.
2019Quick search and synchronization algorithm for wideband noise-like signalsBelov, S. P.; Zhilyakov, E. G.; Raczynski, S. A.; Belov, A. S.; Belov, A. S.; Oleynik, I. I.
2019Regularization of inverse signal recovery problemsZhilyakov, E. G.; Belov, S. P.; Oleinik, I. I.; Prokhorenko, E. I.
2016Steganographic method encoding of geodata in the images of the earth's surfaceZhilyakov, E. G.; Likholob, P. G.; Lichogodina, E. S.
2021Sub-band detection of small-sized objects during airspace sensing with ultra-short radio pulsesZhukov, A. O.; Zhilyakov, E. G.; Oleynik, I. I.; Orishchuk, S. G.; Fedorov, P. A.
2021Sub-band identification of speech signals word fragments according to given sampleZhilyakov, E. G.; Belov, S. P.; Belov, A. S.; Medvedeva, A. A.
2021Sub-band invariants of handwritten texts fuzzy fragmentsZhilyakov, E. G.; Zalivin, A. N.; Matorin, S. I.; Chernomorets ., A. A.
2019Subband analysis and synthesis of signalsZhilyakov, E. G.; Belov, S. P.; Chernomorets, A. A.; Triubitsyna, D. I.; Balabanova, T. N.