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dc.contributor.authorGusev, A.-
dc.contributor.authorVasyukova, I.-
dc.contributor.authorZakharova, O.-
dc.contributor.authorAltabaeva, Y.-
dc.contributor.authorSnegin, E.-
dc.identifier.citationComparative research of effectiveness of cellulose and fiberglass porous membrane carriers for bio sampling in veterinary and food industry monitoring / A. Gusev [et al.] // Prospects of fundamental sciences development : proceedings of the XIV intern. conf. of students and young scientists, Tomsk, Russia, 25-28 april 2017. - Tomsk, 2017. - Vol.1899.-P.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of proposed research is to study the applicability of fiberglass porous membrane materials in a new strip format for dried blood storage in food industry monitoring. A comparative analysis of cellulosic and fiberglass porous membrane materials was carried out to obtain dried samples of serum or blood and the possibility of further species-specific analysisru
dc.subjectchemical technologyru
dc.subjectblood storageru
dc.subjectdried bloodru
dc.subjectblood samplesru
dc.subjectmembrane materialsru
dc.subjectfood processingru
dc.titleComparative research of effectiveness of cellulose and fiberglass porous membrane carriers for bio sampling in veterinary and food industry monitoringru
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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