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Title: Medical students’ attitude to persons with mental disorders and psychiatrists after the study of psychiatry
Authors: Ruzhenkov, V. A.
Churnosova, O. I.
Ruzhenkova, V. V.
Kroshkina, T. S.
Keywords: social sciences
sociological research
sociology of medicine
medical students
mental disorders
study of psychiatry
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Medical students’ attitude to persons with mental disorders and psychiatrists after the study of psychiatry / V.A. Ruzhenkov [и др.] // Drug Invention Today. - 2018. - Vol.10, N3.-P. 3234-3239.
Abstract: This study aimed to verify and compare the degree of stigmatization of persons with mental disorders by future doctors, depending on the knowledge in the field of psychiatry, to develop recommendations for destigmatization. It was found that the study of psychiatry made softer the medical students’ attitude toward people with mental disorders
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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