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dc.contributor.authorLadygin, V. P.-
dc.contributor.authorAveryanov, A. V.-
dc.contributor.authorChernykh, E. V.-
dc.contributor.authorEnache, D.-
dc.contributor.authorSkhomenko, Y. T.-
dc.identifier.citationFirst results on the energy scan of the vector Ay and tensor Ayy and Axx analyzing powers in deuteronproton elastic scattering at Nuclotron / V. P. Ladygin, A. V. Averyanov, Y. T. Skhomenko [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2017. - Vol. 938. - Art. 012007. - (XVII Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics "DSPIN-2017").ru
dc.description.abstractNew results on the vector A y and tensor Ayy and Axx analyzing powers in deuteronproton elastic scattering obtained at Nuclotron in the energy range 400-1800 MeV are presented. These data have been obtained in 2016-2017 at DSS setup at internal target station using polarized deuteron beam from new source of polarized ions. The preliminary data on the deuteron analyzing powers in in the wide energy range demonstrate the sensitivity to the shortrange spin structure of the nucleon-nucleon correlationsru
dc.subjectdeuteronproton elastic scatteringru
dc.subjectDSS experimentru
dc.subjectpolarized ionsru
dc.subjectnucleon-nucleon correlationsru
dc.titleFirst results on the energy scan of the vector Ay and tensor Ayy and Axx analyzing powers in deuteronproton elastic scattering at Nuclotronru
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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