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dc.contributor.authorIsaev, I. F.-
dc.contributor.authorSamosenkova, T. V.-
dc.contributor.authorSobyanin, F. I.-
dc.contributor.authorIgnatova, I. V.-
dc.contributor.authorNovikova, T. F.-
dc.identifier.citationEthno-didactic specifics of training chinese students in the russian language: the experience of russian universities / I.F. Isaev, T.V. Samosenkova, F.I. Sobyanin [et al.] // Universal Journal of Educational Research. - 2019. - Vol.7, №10B.-P.
dc.description.abstractThe paper systematizes and generalizes the ethno-oriented experience of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the education systems of Russia and China. The number of foreign subjects wishing to study for a degree in Russia is now increasing; it is almost the same as it was before the perestroika times. The majority of foreign students come from China. In order to make the training effective, ethnic and cultural specifics should be taken into consideration in teaching Russian as a foreign languageru
dc.subjectmethod of teachingru
dc.subjectRussian languageru
dc.subjectchinese studentsru
dc.titleEthno-didactic specifics of training chinese students in the russian language: the experience of russian universitiesru
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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