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dc.contributor.authorGusev, A. A.-
dc.contributor.authorHai, L. L.-
dc.contributor.authorChuluunbaatar, O.-
dc.contributor.authorVinitsky, S. I.-
dc.contributor.authorDerbov, V. L.-
dc.identifier.citationSolution of Boundary-Value problems using Kantorovich method / A.A. Gusev [et al.] // EPJ Web of Conferences. - 2016. - Vol.108. - Art.2026. – URL:
dc.description.abstractWe propose a computational scheme for solving the eigenvalue problem for an elliptic differential equation in a two-dimensional domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions. The discrete formulation of the problem is implemented using the finite element method with Hermite interpolation polynomials. The effciency of the calculation scheme is shown by benchmark calculations for a square membrane with a degenerate spectrum-
dc.subjectdifferential equations-
dc.subjectcomputational scheme-
dc.subjectDirichlet boundary conditions-
dc.subjectHermite interpolation polynomials-
dc.subjectKantorovich method-
dc.titleSolution of Boundary-Value problems using Kantorovich method-
dc.typeConference Paper-
dc.identifier.citationpublicationEPJ Web of Conferences-
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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