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dc.contributor.authorPolshchykov, K.-
dc.contributor.authorShabeeb, A. N.-
dc.contributor.authorLazarev, S.-
dc.identifier.citationPolshchykov, K. Algorithm for receiving the recommended bandwidth of a wireless self-organizing network channel / K. Polshchykov, A.N. Shabeeb, S. Lazarev // Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences. - 2020. - Vol.8, №3.-P. 1873-1879. - Refer.: p.
dc.description.abstractThe article presents the development and research results of a support decision-making algorithm forobtaining the recommended channel bandwidth to achieve the required probability values of satisfactory requests service for audio communication sessions inamobilead - hocnetwork. Therecommended channel bandwidth calculation is based on theservicemodelforrequestingaudio communication sessions in amobileadhoc network.The analytical dependenciesof the satisfactory service are probability values of voice streaming requests on channel characteristics anddynamism of the network topology which have taken into account when executing the algorithmru
dc.subjectradio electronicsru
dc.subjectmobile ad hoc networkru
dc.subjectchannel bandwidthru
dc.subjectaudio communication sessionsru
dc.titleAlgorithm for receiving the recommended bandwidth of a wireless self-organizing network channelru
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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