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dc.contributor.authorVelikova, S.-
dc.contributor.authorTsvetkov, D.-
dc.identifier.citationVelikova, S. Strategies for L2 lecture comprehension: an intervention study / S. Velikova, D. Tsvetkov // Научный результат. Сер. Вопросы теоретической и прикладной лингвистики. - 2015. - Т.1, №3(5).-С. 117-126. - doi: 10.18413 / 2313-8912-2015-1-3-117-126. - Refer.: p.
dc.description.abstractThe study reported in this article set out to investigate the effect o f an intervention into the strategies for second language (L2) lecture comprehension. The research was conducted in a Bulgarian university context and adopted a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design. The 15-week instructional sequence was based on explicit/ direct teaching o f cognitive and metacognitive strategies for listening to lectures in English. The results indicated that the students in the experimental group (n = 34) significantly outperformed their counterparts in the comparison group (n = 25) in a multiple-choice test used as a measure for L2 lecture comprehension. The findings, therefore, suggest that the strategy-based instruction could facilitate the development o f L2 lecture listening skillsru
dc.subjectmethod of teachingru
dc.subjectforeign languagesru
dc.subjectsecond languageru
dc.subjectBulgarian universityru
dc.subjectL2 lecture comprehensionru
dc.subjectstrategy-based instructionru
dc.subjectL2 for academic purposesru
dc.titleStrategies for L2 lecture comprehension: an intervention studyru
Располагается в коллекциях:Т. 1, вып. 3

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