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dc.contributor.authorMishnev, R.-
dc.contributor.authorDudova, N.-
dc.contributor.authorKaibyshev, R.-
dc.identifier.citationMishnev, R. Effect of microstructural evolution on the cyclic softening of a 10% Cr martensitic steel under low cycle fatigue at 600 °C / R. Mishnev, N. Dudova, R. Kaibyshev // International Journal of Fatigue. - 2020. - Vol.134.-Art. 105522. - Doi: 10.1016/
dc.description.abstractMicrostructure evolution and softening during interrupted low cycle fatigue (LCF) tests at 600 °C and constant strain amplitudes of ±0.2% and±0.6% corresponding to dominance of the elastic and plastic strain components, respectively, was examined in a 10% Cr steel. Cyclic softening attributed to changes in the strengthening from dislocations and lath structure is more pronounced during the first half-liferu
dc.subjectmetal scienceru
dc.subjectmartensitic steelru
dc.subjectlow cycle fatigueru
dc.subjectcyclic softeningru
dc.subjectelectron microscopyru
dc.titleEffect of microstructural evolution on the cyclic softening of a 10% Cr martensitic steel under low cycle fatigue at 600 °Cru
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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