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dc.contributor.authorMosyagina, I. P.-
dc.contributor.authorMosyagin, V. V.-
dc.identifier.citationMosyagina, I.P. The influence of electrolytes of the ions and the inhibitor on the activity of total atpase of erythrocytes of broiler chickens / I. P. Mosyagina, V. V. Mosyagin // Research Result: Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology. - 2016. - Vol. 2, № 2(3).- P. 113-118. - Doi: 10.18413/2313-8971-2016-2-2-113-118. - Refer.:
dc.description.abstractThe total ATPase activity of erythrocytes of broiler chickens depends on the concentration of ions Na+ and K+. The ATPase activity at 76.5% due to magnesium ions, 96.5% of the sodium ions and 47,6% of potassium ions. Maximum ATPase activity was observed in incubation medium containing ions: Na+ 120 mmol/ml, K+ 20 mmol/ml; Mg2+ - 3.0 mmol/ml and was of 9,24 ±0,23 nmol •mg protein-1•min-1. The ATPase activity has no effect of the specific inhibitor – strophanthin-K in the concentration range of 0-100 mg•l-1 in the medium containing ions Na+ and K+, and in an environment without them.The total ATPase activity of erythrocytes of broiler chickens depends on the concentration of ions Na + and K+ru
dc.subjectchicken breedingru
dc.subjections of electrolytesru
dc.subjectATPase inhibitorru
dc.subjectbroiler chickensru
dc.titleThe influence of electrolytes of the ions and the inhibitor on the activity of total atpase of erythrocytes of broiler chickensru
Располагается в коллекциях:Vol. 2, № 2

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