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dc.contributor.authorBabintsev, V. P.-
dc.contributor.authorGaidukova, G. N.-
dc.contributor.authorShapoval, Z. A.-
dc.identifier.citationBabintsev, V.P. Urban culture in augmented social reality: conjunction versus disjunction / V.P. Babintsev, G.N. Gaidukova, Z.A. Shapoval // Laplage em Revista. - 2021. - Vol.7, Extra E.-P. 537-548. - Doi: 10.24115/S2446-622020217Extra-E1233p.537-548. - Refer.: p.
dc.description.abstractThe objective is to assess the role of urban culture in the formation and growth of the conjunctiveconsolidation potential in a modern city in the context of augmented social reality. Based on the study, the authors revealed dynamic equilibrium between conjunctive and disjunctive trends in the development of urban culture. The sphere of urban culture has significant opportunities for the formation and build-up of conjunctive-consolidation potential, which is expressed in the acquisition of urban citizens’ ability and readiness for mutual loyalty and constructive interactionru
dc.subjectterritorial communitiesru
dc.subjectsocial conjunctionru
dc.subjectsocial disjunctionru
dc.subjectsocial consolidationru
dc.subjecturban cultureru
dc.subjecturbanized communityru
dc.titleUrban culture in augmented social reality: conjunction versus disjunctionru
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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