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dc.contributor.authorPolshchykov, K.-
dc.contributor.authorShabeeb, A. N.-
dc.contributor.authorLazarev, S.-
dc.contributor.authorKiselev, V.-
dc.identifier.citationJustification for the decision on loading channels of the network of geoecological monitoring of resources of the agroindustrial complex / K. Polshchykov [et al.] // Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences. - 2021. - Vol.9, №2.-P.
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to solving an urgent scientific and technical problem. It consists of developing an algorithm. This is used for estimating the recommended buffer size of requests of transmitting data streams. So, this has been done in a flying self-organizing network. Therefore, it is used to ensure geoecological monitoring of the resources of the agro-industrial complex. However, Studies have shown that to ensure the required quality of data streams transmissionru
dc.subjectсomputer engineeringru
dc.subjectgeoecological monitoringru
dc.subjectagro-industrial complexsru
dc.subjectflying self-organizing networkru
dc.subjecttransmission of data streamsru
dc.subjectloading of wireless channelsru
dc.titleJustification for the decision on loading channels of the network of geoecological monitoring of resources of the agroindustrial complexru
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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