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dc.contributor.authorKurkina, Yu. N.-
dc.contributor.authorBatlutskaya, I. V.-
dc.contributor.authorBoyarshin, K. S.-
dc.contributor.authorSarah Kareem Juiafari-
dc.contributor.authorTokhtar, V. K.-
dc.identifier.citationDrought and mycoses as a limiting biopotential of vegetable beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)* / Kurkina Yu.N., I.V. Batlutskaya, K.S. Boyarshin [et al.] // Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and Management. - 2022. - Vol.9, №2.-P. 489-495. - (International Congress on Agriculture, Environment and Allied Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, 24-25 December, 2021).ru
dc.description.abstractField studies of vegetable beans were carried out in small-plot experiments in the climatic conditions and soil of the south of the Chernozem region (Belgorod). Sowing of the "Creolka" variety of vegetable beans and maintenance were carried out manually without the use of fertilizers and pesticides. Used a wide-row sowing methodru
dc.subjectcrop growingru
dc.subjectvegetable beansru
dc.subjectPhaseolus vulgarisru
dc.subjectplant resistanceru
dc.subjectplant diseasesru
dc.titleDrought and mycoses as a limiting biopotential of vegetable beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)ru
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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