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Title: The importance of the smoking factor in personalized complex pharmacotherapy of ischemic heart disease with the use of metabolic correctors
Authors: Zhernakova, N. I.
Romaschenko, O. V.
Snegin, E. A.
Rumbesht, V. V.
Alferov, P. K.
Keywords: medicine
ischemic heart disease
personalized pharmacotherapy
metabolic correctors
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: The importance of the smoking factor in personalized complex pharmacotherapy of ischemic heart disease with the use of metabolic correctors / N.I. Zhernakova [и др.] // International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research. - 2018. - Vol.9, N1.-P. 1016-1021.
Abstract: The work is devoted to the study of the significance of the smoking factor in the realization of potentially positive cardiocytoprotective properties of metabolic correctors in the complex therapy of ischemic heart disease (IHD). A randomized study of 160 patients with stable angina pectoris was performed, 60 of them were smoking and 100 of them were non-smoking
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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