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Title: Effect of spark plasma sintering temperature on thermoelectric properties of grained Bi₁.₉Gd₀.₁Te₃ compound
Authors: Yapryntsev, M. N.
Vasilev, A. E.
Ivanov, O. N.
Zhezhu, M. V.
Keywords: physics
semiconductor physics
thermoelectric properties
spark plazma
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Effect of spark plasma sintering temperature on thermoelectric properties of grained Bi₁.₉Gd₀.₁Te₃ compound / M.N. Yapryntsev, A.E. Vasilev, O.N. Ivanov [et al.] // Semiconductors. - 2019. - Vol.53, №13.-P. 1838-1844.
Abstract: Patterns in changes of the microstructure (grain structure) and the thermoelectric properties of the n-type grained Bi₁.₉Gd₀.₁Te₃ compound, spark-plasma-sintered at different temperatures (TS = 690, 720, 735, 750, 780, and 810 K), have been studied in detail. All the samples studied were highly textured along the 001 direction parallel to the pressing direction, that resulted from preferential orientation of the grains
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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