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Title: Motives in Brazilian school education according to the cultural historical perspective and the developmental education approach = Стимулирование образования в бразильской школе на основе культурно-исторической концепции и идей развивающего обучения
Authors: Franco P. L. J.
Longarezi, A. M.
Marco de F. F.
Keywords: pedagogy
school administration
Vygotsky L.S.
Leontiev A.N.
cultural historical theory
developmental education
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Franco P .L. J. Motives in Brazilian school education according to the cultural historical perspective and the developmental education approach = Стимулирование образования в бразильской школе на основе культурно-исторической концепции и идей развивающего обучения / Franco P. L. J., A. M. Longarezi, Marco de F. F. // Научный результат. Сер. Педагогика и психология образования. - 2017. - Т.3, №3.-С. 51-57. - DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2017-3-3-51-57.
Abstract: The article investigates the concepts "motive" and "activity", according to Leontiev’s constructs and the didactic-formative intervention research. The didactic-formative intervention research consists in a research methodology created and developed in Brazil by Longarezi in 2012-2014 within GEPEDI/UFU, for the accomplishment of developmental education investigations. This kind of research is based on the principles of developmental education and, therefore, has as an objective-goal the development of students for the learning activity (objective-means)
Appears in Collections:Т. 3, вып. 3

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