Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 12 из 12
Дата выпуска | Название | Автор(ы) |
2016 | The analysis of preferences of obstetricians-gynecologists and therapists of Belgorod Region in heartburn and constipation treatment in pregnant women in comparison with All-Russian data | Chuhareva, N. A.; Bontsevich, R. A.; Esayan, R. M.; Shchurovskaya, K. V.; Lysenko, A. V. |
2016 | Pharmacotherapy exacerbations of chronic inflammatory conditions of female genital sphere using to Gepon and Longidaza | Abramova, S. N.; Lazareva, G. A. |
2016 | Experimental investigation of pharmacokinetic properties and the accumulation of zinc when administrated nanoform of zinc hydroxide in a comparative aspect with zinc sulfate | Larin, S. L.; Zvyagintseva, A. R.; Habarov, A. A.; Budko, E. V. |
2016 | Evaluation efficiency of modern antidepressants by means of quantative pharmaco-EEG | Kudelina, O. M.; Khloponin, D. P.; Maklyakov, Y. S.; Zaika, V. G.; Gantsgorn, E. V. |
2016 | Development perspectives of new generation medications based on the redox system regulators | Shahmardanova, S. A.; Gulevskaya, O. N.; Galenko-Yaroshevsky, P. A.; Kolesnichenko, P. D. |
2016 | Correction of retinal angiopathy of hypertensive type by minoxidil, sildenafil in experiment | Peresypkina, A. A.; Gubareva, V. O.; Levkova, E. A.; Shabelnikova, A. S. |
2016 | Complex therapy of chronic pancreatitis complicated by anxio-depressive disorders in railroad workers | Lyubavskaya, S. S.; Chernov, Y. N.; Batishcheva, G. A.; Ushakov, I. B.; Goncharova, N. Y. |
2016 | Assessment of the DNA damage level in peripheral blood leukocytes of mice treated orally with Rapitalam in acute and therapeutic doses | Kravchenko, D. V.; Avdeeva, N. V.; Korokin, M. V. |
2016 | Pharmacokinetic studies of new antiparkinsonian drug Rapitalam | Avdeeva, N. V.; Kulikov, A. L.; Pokrovskii, M. V.; Avtina, T. V. |
2016 | Pharmacological evaluation polysaccharide complex flowers tansy | Yakusheva, E. N.; Engalycheva, E. E.; Sychev, I. A.; Shculkin, A. V. |
2016 | Influence of L-lysine sulfate on containing of vitamins and minerals in the body of broiler chickens | Shaposhnikov, A. A.; Yakovleva, I. N.; Nedopekina, I. V.; Krut, U. A.; Zakirova, L. R. |
2016 | Chelate complexes of malic or citric acids with iron, manganese and zinc as a biologically active supplement for broiler chicken diet | Kochetkova, N. A.; Yakovleva, I. N.; Shaposhnikov, A. A.; Shevchenko, T. S.; Zakirova, L. R. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Даты сохранения in по убыванию order): 1 to 12 of 12