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Title: The study of osteoprotective properties of nanoparticulated forms of resveratrol and losartan
Authors: Koklina, N. Y.
Gudyrev, O. S.
Faitelson, A. V.
Keywords: medicine
steoprotective properties
endothelial dysfunction
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: Koklina, N.Y. The study of osteoprotective properties of nanoparticulated forms of resveratrol and losartan / N.Y. Koklina, O.S. Gudyrev, A.V. Faitelson // Research Result: Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology. - 2015. - Vol. 1, № 1(1).- P. 28-33. - Doi: 10.18413/2500-235X-2015-1-4-32-38. - Refer.: p. 32-33.
Abstract: The study demonstrated that endothelial dysfunction of bone microvasculature and deterioration of regional blood flow in bone developed eight weeks after ovariectomy in female white Wistar rats thus raising the risk of generalized osteoporosis. Nanoparticulated forms of losartan and resveratrol possessing endothelioprotective action effectively prevented reduction of regional microcirculation in bone tissue through keeping it at the same level as intact rats had
Appears in Collections:Vol. 1, № 1

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