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Title: Microstructural evolution of a re-containing 10% Cr-3Co-3W steel during creep at elevated temperature
Authors: Fedoseeva, A.
Brazhnikov, I.
Degtyareva, S.
Nikitin, I.
Kaibyshev, R.
Keywords: technique
metal science
high-chromium steels
microstructural evolution
strengthening mechanism
Zener pressure
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Microstructural evolution of a re-containing 10% Cr-3Co-3W steel during creep at elevated temperature / A. Fedoseeva, I. Brazhnikov, S. Degtyareva [et al.] // Metals. - 2023. - Vol.13, №10.-Art. 1683.
Abstract: The microstructural evolution of a Re-containing 10% Cr-3Co-3W steel with low N and high B content during creep was investigated at different strains at 923 K and under an applied stress of 120 MPa using TEM and EBSD analyses. The studied steel had been previously normalized at 1323 K and tempered at 1043 K for 3 h
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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